Well, the title of this freaked me the fuck out.

This is a really interesting piece! Thank you, it's really cool to see behind the curtain πŸ’™

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I loved this - thank you. Cool to hear stories from the graveyard.

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Alex, this was really cool to read. I always enjoyed your willingness to build the puncturing of your assumptions into stories, it’s a demonstration of your curiosity and your integrity.

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Fwiw, I really enjoyed Who's Going? (though it may have just been relief at no longer being 17).

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Please share snippets of interviews snipped together with voice modification so it is untraceable to the interviewee

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As a journalist exiled from the field way back in the Great Recession, it frustrates the crap out of me to see one-sided garbage like Yoffe’s story. And I feel better reading your meditations on the issue, only because I know you learned it and you taught it so others understand too.

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naval gazing... just staring at boats today. life on the open waters...

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