More like this, please, Goldman. I had no idea I was so interested in the back story of De La Soul (who I’d heard of but never really listened to) but I was hanging on every word, man.

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Liked the post before but coming back rn to send to a friend, and wanted to say: please more music history dives if you got it in you. I enjoyed this one a lot

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I remember a segment on On The Media from, I want to say 2011 or 2012 based on my memory of which closet I was in when I heard it, that contrasted two Public Enemy clips, one with a cacophony of sounds and one from a few albums later with much less going on. Was that the same issue you described here?

Also, just another example of the blockades: WKRP in Cincinnati. Shout! Factory did an amazing job of clearing music for a new DVD release years back, but still weren’t able to clear it all, including the one I wanted most, Pink Floyd.

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